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Support new NHS managers from day one.

Cost-effective, scalable learning designed for busy managers’ schedules on the fundamentals of leading and managing a team effectively.

How does it work?

Welcome to Leadership is an online development programme specifically for NHS managers. Delivered through our online portal or your existing learning solution, we deliver seven modules of content that provide the pillars of effective team leadership. Managers are supported to progress through each module at their own pace. Each module contains videos, guides, audiobooks, and other resources designed to help managers practice the programme’s content. It’s affordable, scalable, and delivers consistent leadership support for new NHS managers from day one.

Flexible learning for a diverse workforce

Seamless experience, personalised support, and guided development – anytime, anywhere.

Accessible anywhere, anytime

Amazing user onboarding

A controlled learning journey

Seven pillars of
effective leadership

Leadership and management are big subjects and often, knowing where to start is enough to put you off entirely. We’ve distilled the fundamentals to lead and manage a team effectively to seven short modules of content.

Module 1

Set a

Give your team a clear direction and shared purpose for the first six months.

  • Where are you now?
  • What’s possible?
  • Your six month priority list
  • Line manager relationships / buying yourself time
  • Communicating a vision and getting your team on board
Module 2

your time

Shift your mindset when it comes to being busy and prioritise tasks to be productive.

  • Time and choices
  • Your vision, your priorities, your time
  • Getting organised and forming good habits (exercise)
  • Sample weekly diary template
  • Own your time – saying no, saying yes, saying maybe
Module 3

your people

Understand and motivate your team to achieve their potential.

  • Relationships and conversations
  • Your team profile (circumstances, strengths, development areas)
  • Team strengths and cross-training
  • Feedback and recognition
  • Care and wellbeing
Module 4

1:1s and

Get the most out of the conversations you have with your team.

  • Effective conversations
  • Great questions, great listening
  • Developing a coaching approach
  • Managing performance
  • Developing your bench
Module 5

as a team

Make meetings something your team will look forward to and engage with.

  • Why meet?
  • Energy, confidence and clarity
  • The value of little and often
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate
  • Top tips for briefings
Module 6

vs leadership

Understand what both look like and the way they show up in a team.

  • Understanding which is which
  • Managing activity
  • Leading change
  • Continuous improvement
  • Personal assessment / time review
Module 7

Review and
go again

Develop a habit of continuous improvement and what to focus on next.

  • Revisiting your plan / direction
  • Self, team, patient experience
  • Maintain, improve, change, behave
  • Re-engaging your team
  • Managing stakeholders

A complete toolkit for aspiring NHS leaders

Empowering continuous growth through tailored branding, dynamic content, and comprehensive analytics.

Complete data analytics and reporting

Beautiful branding, however you want it

Content never dates with annual updates

Accessible learning
for everyone

Whether you’re a visual learner captivated by vibrant graphics and engaging video content, an auditory learner who thrives on detailed podcasts, or a reader who benefits from well-structured written materials, our platform is your manager’s gateway to a personalised learning experience. Each module has content in a variety of formats to suit all learning styles.

Tailored for the NHS

Welcome to Leadership aligns with the Messenger Review’s focus on collaborative and inclusive leadership, offering scalable and personalised online training for NHS managers. It supports practical application and career development in line with NHS strategies for improved leadership. As an affordable and effective training solution, it advances the vision for integrated, forward-thinking NHS leadership and supports the NHS Long Term Plan.

Extend the programme

Harness the power of storytelling and customised modules to provide support beyond the programme.


Complemented by stories from the frontline


Go beyond the seven fundamentals

Simple, transparent pricing

Welcome to Leadership is available as either a Basic or Premium package and then either self-hosted or with an included portal and learning platform. It’s that simple. If you want to contact us directly to explore funding arrangements then use the contact button below.

Got your own LMS?

Up to 500 managers
Access to all modules
Annual video updates
Quarterly PDF updates
Custom brand and identity
Content customisation
Premium support
Desktop and mobile access
User friendly learning experience
Custom URL domain
Analytics and reporting

£45kannual license

Unlimited managers
Access to all modules
Annual video updates
Quarterly PDF updates
Custom brand and identity
Content customisation
Premium support
Desktop and mobile access
User friendly learning experience
Custom URL domain
Analytics and reporting

£75kannual license

Up to 500 managers
Access to all modules
Annual video updates
Quarterly PDF updates
Custom brand and identity
Content customisation
Premium support
Desktop and mobile access
User friendly learning experience
Custom URL domain
Analytics and reporting

£30kannual license

Unlimited managers
Access to all modules
Annual video updates
Quarterly PDF updates
Custom brand and identity
Content customisation
Premium support
Desktop and mobile access
User friendly learning experience
Custom URL domain
Analytics and reporting

£60kannual license

A proven solution
that understands your challenges

We’ve been delivering high quality leadership development programmes and content across the NHS for years. Welcome to Leadership is a proven solution that scales easily and can be implemented quickly.

Welcome to Leadership is a superb programme which signals a new, powerful and fresh approach to developing emerging people leaders across UHB. Given the quality of what has been created and the response from our teams, we will be making it available to all managers across the Trust and it will form a key element of our people development plan going forward.

Fiona AlexanderDirector of Communications, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
A single, easy to navigate dashboard for each manager to track their progress and access the latest content.
Content is designed to be engaging and high-impact. Working across all devices, from laptops to mobiles.
Interactive guides allow learners to review and reflect on programme content either online or as printouts.
A secure login for each manager allows them to access the content on-demand at anytime.
Managers can pick back up where they left off with core video content, ensuring no time is wasted.

Questions you might have

If there’s anything you’re wondering which isn’t covered below, feel free to reach out to our team who’ll be sure to have an answer for you.

How does Welcome to Leadership differ from other development programmes?

In our experience, formal and ongoing management training and leadership development for new managers is often not readily available to every new manager in a Trust or is reserved for a select and often more senior leadership community who are later in their management journey.

From our experience, spaces on central NHS management development programmes (e.g. Edward Jenner) can be limited. Combined with operational and resourcing challenges in Trusts, managers can often be in a role for 12-18 months before receiving formal development, support and training.

Welcome to Leadership aims to bridge this gap and support new managers on appointment, providing structured learning on the basics of team management and leadership from day one and helping them form good habits as a foundation for them (maybe) receiving more formal development at a later date.

Welcome to Leadership is a pragmatic and much-needed solution to an ongoing operational and capacity challenge for management development and training at the front line of the NHS.

Can I host Welcome to Leadership on my own Trust's LMS or platform?

Yes. We offer two pricing structures (see the toggle in the section above), one of which is content only. You host it on an existing Learning Management System (LMS) or online portal. The other is with our portal and LMS. It’s worth noting that the reporting functionality and some of our features may be available through your own LMS but can only be guaranteed using our system. If in doubt, chat with us, and we can recommend a solution. Many of our clients have their own LMS but might want this to sit outside it for various reasons.

Find out which solution is best for you

Who is Welcome to Leadership for?

Welcome to Leadership is designed to support, develop and engage Band 3-7 managers in the NHS. They’re often referred to as front or first line managers (we like to think of them as people managing people who don’t in turn manage anyone themselves).

Welcome to Leadership serves as a great solution for new managers in the role and a refresher for those who are more experienced. We’ve also frequently received feedback on its benefits at a more senior level e.g. Band 8 and above.

Why does Welcome to Leadership matter?

  • Strengthened Leadership Abilities: Enhances leaders’ capability to guide teams effectively towards NHS objectives and patient care excellence.
  • Enhanced Staff Retention: Creates a supportive work environment, increasing staff wellbeing and retention.
  • Boosted Team Efficiency: Provides managers with tools to improve team performance and patient service delivery.
  • Improved Decision-Making in Healthcare: Develops robust decision-making skills in leaders for critical team situations.
  • Constructive Conflict Management: Equips managers with skills to resolve disputes positively, fostering a collaborative NHS workplace.
  • Improved Patient Satisfaction: More effective and committed teams result in higher quality patient care and satisfaction.
  • Better Internal Communication: Improves communication within teams and across departments, ensuring clear, patient-focused objectives.
  • Increased Staff Engagement: Develops leaders who inspire and motivate their teams, enhancing job satisfaction and patient care quality.
  • Creative Solutions in Healthcare: Promotes innovative thinking in tackling healthcare and organisational challenges.
  • Versatile Management Approaches: Trains managers to adapt their leadership style to various settings, improving team dynamics and patient care.
  • Developing Future NHS Leaders: Identifies and nurtures potential leaders, securing a robust leadership future for the NHS.
  • Lower Turnover Among Programme Participants: Boosts job satisfaction and personal growth, reducing staff turnover.
  • Positive Work Culture: Fosters a culture of continuous learning, respect, and shared values within the NHS.
  • Improved Staff Wellbeing: Prioritises employees’ mental and emotional health through better management and work-life balance.
  • Enhanced NHS Reputation: Positions the organisation or Trust as a desirable employer, attracting high-quality healthcare professionals.
  • Improved Morale Across the NHS: Generates a positive work environment, enhancing staff morale and patient interactions.
  • Cost Savings from Efficient Management: Reduces unnecessary expenditures and waste, enabling better use of resources.
  • Greater Responsiveness to Change: Prepares staff to swiftly adapt to healthcare sector changes and organisational developments.
  • Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion: Promotes inclusive leadership, valuing diversity in the NHS workforce and decision-making.
  • Sustainable Growth in Healthcare: Contributes to the sustainable development and success of the organisation through effective leadership and management practices.

Do you offer pricing per user?

No. Welcome to Leadership is delivered through a transparent flat fee, with the Basic option available for organisations with up to 500 individual managers. Beyond 500 managers requires a Premium subscription, although there is no upper limit, and you are free to use it with as many leaders in your organisation as you want.

What if I want different content modules?

Our seven pillars of effective leadership can be supported with custom modules designed by us or co-designed alongside you. This is priced separately from the core product and follows a consistent style in terms of video content, guides, nudges and audiobooks.

If you’d like to discuss the option of custom modules, please contact us. Prices start from £8,000 per custom module.

Contact us about custom modules

Can more experienced managers use the content?

Absolutely. We set out to cover the fundamentals of effective leadership for newly appointed managers in the NHS. We know from the managers who’ve been through our programme that it often serves as a timely refresher for leaders who’ve been in a role for far longer and also for those in far more senior roles.

What are the benefit to patients?

To date, the impact of Welcome to Leadership has led to improved patient healthcare experience, coordination of care and services, and overall improvements in efficiency and performance.

Ready for a new and consistent approach to leadership development?

Put your email in the form below and one of the team will get back to you with a demo account so you can try some of the content out yourself. It’s that simple.